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This interface should be implemented by anyone wishing to use callbacks in the swap, borrow, and borrowLiquidity functions in the IAmmalgamPair interface.



Handles a swap call in the Ammalgam protocol.

Callback passed as calldata to swap functions in IAmmalgamPair.

function swapCall(address sender, uint256 amountX, uint256 amountY, bytes calldata data) external;


senderaddressThe address of the sender initiating the swap call.
amountXuint256The amount of token X involved in the swap.
amountYuint256The amount of token Y involved in the swap.
databytesThe calldata provided to the swap function.


Handles a borrow call in the Ammalgam protocol.

Callback passed as calldata to borrow and borrowLiquidity functions in IAmmalgamPair.

function borrowCall(address sender, uint256 amountX, uint256 amountY, uint256 amountL, bytes calldata data) external;


senderaddressThe address of the sender initiating the borrow call.
amountXuint256The amount of token X involved in the borrow.
amountYuint256The amount of token Y involved in the borrow.
amountLuint256The amount of liquidity involved in the borrow.
databytesThe calldata provided to the borrow function.